About HirePaths

Our Mission
The mission of HirePaths is to inform and excite parents and guardians, as well as K-12 teachers, about options young people can pursue after high school to quickly and affordably launch a successful, well-paying career. This includes on-the-job training programs, apprenticeships, and technical and community college education.
This program does not duplicate efforts already being carried out in various industry sectors, but will connect and magnify the impact of each.
HirePaths has three primary goals, all focused on building a positive discussion around post-high school options:
- To inform parents, guardians and educators about the variety of educational paths available to young people for achieving successful careers.
- To broaden parents’ viewpoints about their child’s future by informing them about well-paying, in-demand careers that do not require a bachelor’s degree.
- To reinforce that a young person going straight to work or attending a technical program is not in any way a failure – quite the contrary! Kansas needs young people pursuing all paths in order for our state to thrive, and wages for in-demand careers keep going up.
Why HirePaths Was Started
HirePaths is funded through contributions from private industry and professional associations to HirePaths, a fund established with the Kansas Rural Communities Foundation, a 501(c)(3). The fund was set up by New Boston Creative Group, LLC, the project's originator, and several private industry and higher education leaders.
New Boston Creative Group is an integrated marketing communications firms based in Manhattan, Kansas, with clients in about 60 Kansas communities. Learn more about this award-winning firm.
This project is developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #S425U210002, as part of an award totaling $831,170,555.00, with 1% financed with non-governmental or non-federal sources. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.