While career planning might not be a topic covered in parenting books, it should be! Parents and guardians serve as a child’s first career counselor, playing an instrumental role in children’s initial exposure to career possibilities and shaping perceptions of different occupations that can last a lifetime. 

When you take your car to a mechanic, hire a plumber to fix your sink, or consult with an attorney about a legal issue, your child is watching how you interact with these different types of professionals. The respect, attention, and value you give to people in different occupations will shape your child’s perception of various career options — as well as their willingness and interest in performing many such tasks themselves someday.  

Parents who intentionally discuss and explore career options with their children raise kids who think deeply about what they want to do with their own lives — and help them begin setting and achieving career goals at an early age. Please explore our site and follow our social media feeds to learn more about in-demand careers and industries!