Sweet Success: Ice Cream Cart Job Melts Math Struggles

Posted August 10, 2023

As a parent, I know how heartbreaking it is to see our children struggle with certain subjects in school. For me, it was my 11-year-old son's struggle with math. Numbers and equations were his Kryptonite, leaving him frustrated and discouraged. Determined to turn this challenge into an opportunity for growth and learning, I came up with a creative solution — an ice cream cart job for the summer. Little did I know that this venture would not only improve his math skills, but also foster essential life lessons. Join me as I share our journey and the sweet success that came from it.

The Struggle with Math

Math had always been a source of frustration for my son. He would become overly anxious if he did not get the correct answer, and even though he was good at math, fear and perfectionism were killing any chance of loving the subject. Concepts like fractions, decimals and word problems seemed to intimidate him, making it difficult to grasp the fundamental principles. As a parent, I wanted to support him in overcoming this challenge and show him that math could be fun and useful in real-life scenarios.

The Birth of the Ice Cream Cart Job

Inspired by his love for ice cream and the joy it brings, I decided to introduce my son to the world of entrepreneurship through an ice cream cart job. Together, we planned and set up a small ice cream cart, complete with different treat options and price variations. The process included getting a business license, working with wholesale vendors and more! The business served as a real-life math laboratory where my son could apply the concepts he struggled with in school.

Math Lessons in Action 

The ice cream cart job brought math to life in a practical and enjoyable way. My son was responsible for managing inventory, calculating profits and expenses, determining prices and handling customer transactions. Each aspect of the job required him to use his math skills, turning abstract concepts into tangible applications.

Money Management

Handling cash transactions allowed my son to practice addition, subtraction and mental math. We talked about profit margin and how to set appropriate prices, what his wage should be and how to pay other people (like when his friends would help him out at the cart). He learned to count change, calculate discounts and understand the value of money.

Data Analysis and Problem-Solving

We tracked sales, inventory, and customer preferences using basic spreadsheets. My son learned to create charts, interpret data and make informed business decisions based on trends and customer feedback.

As with any business, unexpected challenges arose. Calculating how many ice cream treats we could sell with limited supplies or figuring out the best pricing strategy required problem-solving skills and critical thinking. For example, in the beginning, we didn’t know which products would be the most popular, so we had to determine which items sold the best, then make sure we had more of those offerings than the less-popular options. Interestingly, younger kids enjoyed popsicles and fruit bars, while older kids craved chocolatey items.

Life Lessons and Growth

Beyond math skills, the ice cream cart job taught my son invaluable life lessons. He developed a strong work ethic, learned the importance of customer service and gained confidence in his abilities. He discovered that perseverance pays off as he faced setbacks and navigated through the highs and lows of running a small business. It also helped tremendously with his social skills. When we first started the cart, he wanted me to be there with him at every gig. By the end of the summer, he wanted to run the operation himself and didn’t need me there! He’s much more comfortable making conversation and using his voice because of this experience.

Sweet Success and Future Ambitions

By the end of the summer, my son's math skills had significantly improved, and his confidence soared. But more importantly, he developed a newfound passion for learning and an entrepreneurial spirit. Inspired by this experience, he now dreams of starting his own business someday, combining his love for math, creativity, and serving others.

Sometimes, it takes a creative approach to turn struggles into successes. Through the ice cream cart job, my son conquered his math challenges and gained essential life skills. The project also ignited his passion for entrepreneurship! Parents have the power to transform our children's learning experiences and make a lasting impact. So, let's embrace their struggles, find innovative solutions, and watch them flourish. Remember, even the sweetest success often starts with a challenge!

Kelly Carmody is a sixth-grade teacher at Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School in Manhattan, Kansas. She was the 2022-2023 Midwest Concrete Materials HirePaths Teacher Ambassador and often uses HirePaths materials in her classroom.