Sponsor a HirePaths Ambassador
HirePaths is recruiting Kansas businesses to sponsor a HirePaths Teacher Ambassador for the 2024-2025 school year. Sponsorships will provide a stipend to a Kansas teacher who will promote HirePaths to other educators, use HirePaths materials in their classroom, help us create lesson plans to encourage career exploration at all grade levels, and, ultimately, expand HirePaths to reach more Kansas kids.
Your $5,000 sponsorship will be a tax-deductible donation to the HirePaths fund at the Kansas Rural Communities Foundation. In addition to the teacher stipend, the gift will help cover costs for the teacher to travel to a conference in the summer of 2025 to promote HirePaths to other educators. The funds will also underwrite expenses to promote HirePaths content to other Kansas educators.
Your company will have naming rights for the ambassadorship and will be promoted on our website and social media channels yearlong as we celebrate the teachers’ work! For example:
Mary Smith is the 2024-2025 Johnson Motors Ambassador for HirePaths! She teaches 4th grade at Pine Elementary in Smallville, and she will be using HirePaths materials in her classroom all year and sharing the experience with her colleagues.
If you'd like to learn more about sponsoring a classroom teacher, please contact Kristin Brighton, 785-587-8185, [email protected], to learn more.