Josh Brewer, RN
Clinical Manager
"I always knew I wanted to help people. After high school, I went to Hutchinson Community College and was a full-time firefighter for 10 years. Then, a motorcycle accident kept me from firefighting. I had to endure a lot of surgeries and I realized I wanted to make a greater impact, so I decided to try nursing. My wife is a nurse, as well as my grandmother.
I started at Stormont as a medical assistant, then finished my training to move up to become an LPN. I just earned my registered nursing credential (RN) and accepted a job as a clinical manager in the Cotton O’Neil System. I’ll be answering questions that staff have about policies and procedures, as well as caring for patients.
I love to help people, not just patients, but also my team members, by being there for them on the good and bad days, answering their questions, and being their go-to person.
I will get my bachelor’s of science in nursing (BSN) degree next, and then get a master’s either as an APRN (advanced practice registered nurse) or in healthcare administration.
If you might want to try nursing, I suggest you start off with earning your CNA (certified nurse assistant). Most high school students can get the training for free or really cheap. Being a CNA lets you know what it feels like to help a complete stranger in their worst moment. You want them to get better, you want them to regain all function again, and you push them and push yourself to do anything to achieve the best possible outcome.
You don’t have to go straight for your bachelor’s degree right out of high school. I’ve paid out-of-pocket for the majority of my college classes, while working part time. While there are times you might not think it’s possible, it is. Just hang in there. If I can do it, so can you."